We all met in a class room setting at 9 o'clock for the start of orientation. The tables in the room were set up in a U shape to allow everyone to see each other and the screen where the power point was projecting to.
Bud, the operator of Tour du Canada, was the presenter for the day. In the morning he let us know who we would be teamed up with for the galley crews. Every 5th day we (me, Matt, and Vicki) will be preparing diner and breakfast. That will be tough at the end of a 180km day. In the past when I've ridden that far I just want to eat and sleep.
Lunch was served in the classroom. Massive costco sizes of brown wonder bread, peanut butter, jam (strawberry and blueberry), bananas, apples, and gorp was served. I made a couple of peanut butter and banana sandwiches and enjoyed them thoroughly. I have been avoiding eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches in preparation for the trip as I know that I will be eating roughly 4 a day for the next 72 days (288 sandwiches total that is a lot). It turns out that one of the ladies is allergic to peanuts and may swell up and start projectile vomiting if she consumes any so we will have to be careful not to spread peanut butter around too much.
In the afternoon we watched a bear video for 45 minutes but it seemed much longer. I now know how to identify a grizzly from a black bear and how to read the signs from a bear on wether they are acting defensive or not defensive. We were joking later on the subject that when you are covering your ears and turtling that you would be thinking did I make a mistake and should be fighting the bear off?
For dinner the galley crew liaisons made dinner that consisted of spaghetti and sauce with a lettuce and tomatoe salad. No meat tonight making me really crave some meat now. mmmm meat. Tomorrow we are staying at a trout farm so I will definitely get my protein then.
After diner four of us including Matt (from London England) took the bus to Canadian Tire on Cambie to pick up some camp chairs as we were not aware that we were allowed to bring them. I pick up a really nice one that was $20 off and a couple of little Canadian flags for July 1.
Tomorrow is a short day (80 km) so it won't be too bad. The route will take us right through Vancouver, Burnaby, Port Coquitlam and out to Misson.
Today is the official start of the tour. Day number 1. I already miss my beautiful girlfriend Jacqueline Pierce who I leave behind in Victoria and regret not being there as she starts her new job and life as I am heading out on a 10 week adventure. I would like to thank her for her support and understanding as I start my journey. Thank God for technology as we can talk, text, email everyday very easily.