Sam and I stayed in camp long enough this morning to scarf down 4 or 5 pieces of French toast with syrup and powdered sugar. The cue sheet said that we were going 154 km today so I wanted to make sure to eat a big breakfast. We actually went 164 km today with our side trip into Atikokan.
There was no services for the first 110 km today. When the support truck passed us I waved him down to refill my water bottles. At 70 km Ben, the driver if the truck, was stopped and riders were filling up their bottles and eating fruit from the truck.
The terrain was more rolling hills surrounded by evergreens and occasionally a marsh with cattails. Every once in a while we would spot a beaver lodge or dam but never a beaver. I am hoping to see a moose but they seem to be very elusive. This area of Ontario is very rural and there are very few people or houses along this part of the route.
At 110 km we turned off the highway for Atikokan. The town is about 5 km off the highway. We rode around the town to find the ice cream place that was mentioned on the cue sheet and found two of them. Most riders ate at o e or the other. Some wanted to have lunch so they headed over to the pizza place. John and those that ordered pizzas waited 99 minutes to get their order.
The ride to the campsite after lunch seemed long and I did it alone as Sam went ahead as he had to cook diner. There was a bit of a tailwind which reduced the time I estimated to make it to camp. The gravel road to the campsite wasn't too bad. My rear wheel is still oval but it is still turning. Tomorrow or the next day I will bring it to the bike shop in Thunder Bay.