Thursday, 30 July 2015

Day Thirty Five - White Lake

This morning I had my alarm set for 5:15 but got up 30 minutes later because it was dark and cold. Our cooking crew of Matt, Vicki, and I were to prepared fried potatoes and been for supper. We had cooked the potatoes last night in preparation and we just needed to chop them up and fry them. We also served beans, the pork and beans type, in tomato sauce. We had everything packed up by 8 so we didn't get on the road too late.

The first part of the ride today was rolling hills. Sam and I were able to go 73 kmph down one hill. The ups are never fun for me but with a tailwind they are a little bit easier. The descents are always fun and the longer and faster the better.

Apparently there is no cell coverage outside of towns all the way to Sault St Marie for Bell customers. This is a big suprise to me when Rogers customers here are getting service. I will have to post this blog tomorrow in White River.

Half way through the ride just past Marathon we celebrated the half way point. Ben, the driver, made us ham and roast beef sandwiches at the visitors centre which was closed. There was also muffins, powdered donuts, and ice cream. We all took a long break there and as we were there the sun came out for a couple of minutes.

The rest of the ride was much less hilly than the first half. We also went quite a bit faster too. That lunch and the sunshine seemed to give me extra energy. We got to camp at 4 and was able to set up the tents quickly. Waiting for dinner I ate my remaining PBJs.   Tomorrow is a long day at 163 km so I will try to get an early start.

Bikes parked outside of the closed information centre just outside of Marathon ON

Celebration station just outside of Marathon ON. We are half way across!

Panorama of Lake Superior