Sunday, 30 August 2015

Day Sixty Six - Lake Ainslie

Last night a group of us decided to leave at 7 and we did. We did not take the suggested route like the other riders did. We took highway 104 until we hit the 105 on the other way of the causeway.

We found out later the the route on the cue sheet had a bridge that was under construction and the 167 km day turned into 180+. We did 152 and did not feel that we missed much. 

John, Arlen, John, and I rode together the whole day. 

For diner at Lake Ainslie the people at the campground put a potluck on for us. The food was very good and we were all very thankful and full. 

Campsite in Lower Barney's River
John and family on his 50th birthday
Potluck from the generous people in the campground at Lake Ainslie