Monday, 13 July 2015

Day Eighteen - Craik

Last night we stayed in Outlook at a campground that overlooked the Saskatchewan River.  It was a very nice spot that had no trees at all but that was ok as it wasn't too sunny.

Everyone had left camp by 8 as everyone was hopeful to get the 119 km cycling out of the way and have some time to relax or get more than 6 hours sleep.  I am in my tent now and ready for bed because tomorrow I am leaving at 5:30 with Arlen to leave to go to Regina to have our bikes looked at.  He found that his rim had a crack in it a week ago and has been using someone else's spare rim.  I need to get a new chain, a spare chain, chain brake, and a new tire or two.  If I was in Victoria I would get the shop to replace my right brake lever as it has been wrecking my shifter cables.

During the ride everyone met in Kenaston, the Blizzard Capital of Saskatchewan, and the home of the big snowman.  We also took some time to rehydrate, mostly drank chocolate milk that was on sale.  I drank a 650 ml combination ice tea and lemonade.  It sounds weird but it actually is not too bad and it   cost 99 cents.

In one part of the ride there were hundreds on dragon flies flying all around us.  Probably eating mosquitoes or horse flies.  A couple of us have gotten bitten by horse flies and it really hurts.  In some spots horse flies are flying faster than we are riding and buzzing around our heads.

Just past Davidson we saw the storm clouds forming and we knew that we were going to get wet.  On that section of road the shoulder is very narrow or non existence.  When it started to rain the cars and trucks going by sprayed a mist of water on us.  The rain wasn't too bad but I put on my cycling rain jacket for the first time and found that it wasn't as tight as it was when I first tried it on in the store.  Looks like my 72 day peanut butter and jelly sandwich and 100 km cycling per day diet is working.

Kenaston blizzard capital of Saskatchewan
Post dinner happy faces
Grain elevators

1 comment:

  1. Funny about the PB&J + cycling diet. Hope you are enjoying yourself. It sounds like the prairies are a tougher slog!
