Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Day Forty - Spragge

This morning I wanted to leave early as it is a long day and I was on cooking duty with my group.  Sam and I managed to be the first to leave camp and quite a few others followed shortly after.  The first part of the ride avoided a major highway and took us through the back roads.  The roads were good but quite hilly.  The traffic was very light.

Once we were finished with the back roads we were on a major road that had a lot of car and truck traffic with limited shoulder.  We made really good time and decided to go into Thessalon to have a break and get something to eat.  Matt, John, and Sam joined me.

After lunch we had a killer tailwind and in some sections we were going 50 kms on the flats.  Overall for the day we averaged 29 kmph.  We made a quick stop in Blind River before getting to the campground some time around 4.

Dinner was pretty easy to prepare and it tasted quite good.  Vegetarian chili and a salad was served.

Today marks one month left until the tour is over.  September 4th will be our last day.

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